Pasta-ateria pöydällä.


A professionally prepared meal made from quality and tasty ingredients is a pleasure. For example, organic food has become part of responsible behaviour for many consumers. Some prefer local food, others prefer, for example, vegetarian or vegan food. That’s why for many customers, the choice of restaurant and the origin of the ingredients are important criteria when choosing a restaurant. Equally important are the skills and well-being of employees, recycling and waste sorting, for example. Responsible restaurateurs are aware of the origin of their ingredients, value the skills of their employees and are aware of trends in the industry.

Food production has changed a lot in recent decades. Intensive production, especially of meat, has sparked a debate on the ethics of food. Intensive farming and predatory fishing have also been criticised. As a result, consumers increasingly want to know where their food comes from and how it is produced. Food imports raise issues such as the treatment of local workers, the protection of nature and transport.

Pähkinöitä, hedelmiä ja kasviksia pöydällä.


Kasvin hoitoa kasvimaalla.


In line with the principles of Laavu, it is important to bring together companies that operate according to ethical and ecological principles. At Laavu, we bring together responsible food providers. Do you care about ethical, ecological and local food? You’ll find responsible restaurants and other food-related operators here at Laavu.